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Related post: the History and Treatment of Tuberculosis,
By Edwin Klebs.
3. Resection of the Elbow Joint with Preservation of Its
Motility, By V. Schmieden.
4. Casuistics of Paralysis of the Abducens after Lumbar
Anaesthesia with Tropacocaine, By G. Gontermann.
5. Concerning Paraffin Protheses, By V. Sa.\t(irph Stein.
6. Toxine and Anaphylactic Substance Generic Propafenone of Eel Serum,
By R. Dorr and H. Raubitschek.
7- The Action of Superoxide upon the Digestive Organs,
By ToGAMl.
8. -Etiology and Treatment of Singers' Nodules,
By Ernst Barth.
9. Outline of the Modern Care for Cripples,
2. History and Treatment of Tuberculosis. —
Klebs concludes that immunizing, or. better, cell
protecting, substances, sozines, such as the tubercle
sozine, should be used when the onset of fever indi-
cates the setting free of tubercle bacilli from the
foci in the organs, also when their presence in the
lungs can be demonstrated by quantitative deter-
mination of tubercle bacilli in the sputa. It may
be that in such cases serological experiments should
be made, because the serum or the fluid of the exu-
date forms a deposit with the culture fluid of tu-
bercle bacilli in acute extension of the tubercle
bacilli. When the use of the tubercle sozine is in-
effective, an injection with Moller's blind worm tu-
berculosis should be made. Usually this causes
no fever and no suppuration, but in very infectious
cases it produces a characteristic formation of
papules of slightly reddish hue with exfoIiatirKi of
the skin during recovery. The course of the papule
seems to be of particular prognostic value. The
formation of tubercles and swelling of the neigh-
boring lymphatic glands are never produced by the
pure preparations. Another very important use of
the blind worm tuberculosis is in incipient tubercu-
losis, or scrofulosis, especially in children when the
swellings of the lymphatic glands first ajipcar.
This is to be recommended, particularly in tubercu-
lous families. It is advised to make the injection
either in the back, at the inner end of the si)ine, or
the scapula, when lung alTcctions are present, as is
usually the case, or higher in the cervical nuiscles,
or in the sternocleidomastoid, according to the posi-
tion of the swollen glands. The injections should
be made into the ti.ssue of the muscles, the needle
being introduced vertically through the skin.
5. Paraffin Protheses. — Stein asserts that i)ar-
affin melted with petrolatum shoiikl not be used for
subcutaneous protheses, because the melting point
of such a mixture cannot be ascertained with suf-
ficient accuracy. Cold paraffin with a melting point
under 50° C. should be employed; it remains to be
determined how far below 50° C. the melting point
may go.
6. Toxine and Anaphylactic Substance of Eel
Serum. — Durr and Raubitschek state, I, that poi-
sonous sera, particularly eel serum, contains two
kinds of antigen, toxine and anaphylactic bodies.
If the former is destroyed by heat or acids, even the
death of the anaphylactic animal may be brought
about by the changed nonpoisonous product ; 2, the
immune bodies, antitoxine and anaphylactic reac-
tion bodies arise in the serum independently of one
another ; 3, if they are all present together such an
immune serum forms a preventive protection
against fatal quantities of the poisonous albumin,
on the other hand becomes anaphylactic toward
larger doses of the same kind of albumin artificially
robbed of its toxicity.
8. Singers' Nodules. — Barth declares that the
nodules formed on the vocal cords of singers are
due to a faulty technique of singing and that treat-
ment is without value until the technique is cor-
August 18, KJ08.
1. Sterilization and Use of Rubber Gloves,
By FiESSLER, IwASE, and Doderlein.
2. Contribution to fhe Clinical Observation and Bacteriol-
ogy of Paratyphus, By Bingel.
J. Technique of the Wassermann Neisser-Bruck Scrum
Diagnosis Buy Propafenone of Syphilid, By Tage.
4. Narcosis and Lecithin, By Nerking.
5. Concerning Demonstrations of the Motility of the
Stomach with the Aid of the X Rays, By Kastle.
6. A Modilication of the Method of Displacement in
Kocher's Operation for Hernia, By Takata.
7. The Operation for Inguinal and Femoral Hernia under
Local .Anaesthesia, By Nast-Kolb.
8. Plaster Dressings for Ambulant Cases, By Frankel.
9. Slight Improvements of Schultze's jVlethod of Arti-
ficial Respiration, By Ziegenspeck.

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ロケーション:New York, アメリカ合衆国
最終アクセス:2013年 12月 16日(Monday) 06:41  (3804 日 10 時間)