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Related post: 524 PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. [New York Medical Journal. tic conditions. There is a rapid fall of temperature followed by a rapid improvement in the general con- dition. These results have been noted especially in cases of puerperal sepsis and phlegmonous inflam- mations, anthrax, and postoperative pneumonia. Sick does not regard the drug as a specific agent, but thinks it is a valuable adjuvant in the treatment of the septic forms of disease. IrofwMngs ai ^uuim. PHILADELPHIA COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY. Meeting of Wednesday, February .26, i()oS. The President, Dr. A. M. Eaton, in the Chair.. Hour Glass Contraction of the Stomach. — Dr. John J. Gilbride exhibited a specimen which had been removed from the Buy Ddavp Online cadaver of a male. The contraction had followed the healing of an ulcer. The stomach was divided into two pouches. The greater curvature was drawn upward toward the lesser curvature and the opening of communication between the pouches would admit of the introduc- tion of two fingers. The stomach was firmly bound down by adhesions to the posterior abdominal wall on the left side. It was stated, said Dr. Gilbride, that in some instances the viscera might be con- stricted in two or more places, thus forming two, three, or four pouches. The most common form met with was that in which the stomach was divided into two pouches. Moynihan and others had re- corded examples in which the lesser curvature was drawn downward, while the greater curvature was normal in outline. Ether Anaesthesia. — Dr. Collin Foulkrod be- lieved that the teaching of ether anaesthesia should begin in the second or third year of student life, when groups of two or three men should be trained at the head of the Generic Ddavp operating table. Ether alone had best stood the test, and it should be given drop by drop on gauze in an insistent manner. The most important factor in preventing shock he believed to be the abolition of fear on the part of the patient. Ether anaesthesia could be made a gradual falling to sleep, and barely enough for the operation should be given. The best guides as to the depth were the breathing and the sensitive pupillary reflex. If the jaw was held forward, shock was eliminated, less ether was required, and the patient was less tired. The abuse of ether and mixed anjesthetics, because of lack of careful, experienced men, he regarded as one of the greatest stigmata upon present day sur- gery. The Anatomy of the Accessory Sinuses of the Nose, with Special Reference to their Suppura- tion. — Dr. Ross lI,A,i.i. Skh.i.kux exhibited a series of lantern slides, the majority of which were photographs of the anatomical preparations of Pro- ifessor E. Zuckerkandl, now in tlic Anatomical In- stitute in Vienna. Dr. Skillern reviewed briefly the anatomy of the lateral wall of the nose in relation to the sinuses. This was Buy Ddavp followed by the diagnosis be- tween empyema of the sinuses of the first series. The anatomy and suppuration of the sinuses of the second series were then taken up. The demonstra- tion ended with the cxhibifinn of the more common forms of aiKinialics met with in this region. Congenital Absence of the Ulna.— Dr. Fr.\ncis D. Patterson presented this paper, with the- exhi- bition of the patient and a review of the literature. The Frequent Necessity of Multiple and Con- secutive Operations for Renal Calculi. — Dr. W. Wayne ijAiicocK reported seven cases, indicating the feasibility of operating upon both kidneys at the same time or of doing repeated operations upon the same kidney.' Upon one of the patients bilateral nephrotomy had been done for calculous disease ; n year later bilateral nephrolithotomy ; at a later time drainage and nephrectomy ; finally, from the remain- ing kidney five stones had been removed. Two years later the patient was active and fairly vigorous. The second patient had six consecutive operations for recurrent calculous disease and pyelonephrosis, and after bilateral nephrostomy, and wore catheters in the kidneys for a year and a half. Finally, the patient came under the author's care. One kidney was removed, the opposite ureter catheterized, and the nephrostomy drainage abolished. Following this the urine cleared and the patient gained over twenty pounds in weight. In all, twenty-five operations were done upon the seven patients for the symp- toms produced by stone, with one death. The au- thor concluded that, in the absence of infection, bi- lateral consecutive operations upon the kidneys were well borne. Nephrolithotomy, especially when done in the presence of pyelitis, for large and crumbly or for multiple calculi, was frequently followed by the renewed formation of stone in the kidney. Nephrot- omy gave better late results than pyelcStomy. Ne- phrostomy might not only fail to cure or prevent pyelonephrosis or recurrent nephrolithiasis, but might even favor these conditions. In operating for simple calculous disease of the kidneys, drainage through the loin should, if feasible, be avoided or used only temporarily and with the most rigid asep- tic precautions. In bilateral or consecutive opera- tions upon the kidney, spinal anaesthesia by tropa- cocaine or stovaine was to be preferred. Related links: Tolterodine Sr, Buy Lidocaine Patches, Purchase Vpxl, buy zithromax overnight, Naprelan 500 Mg, Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride Tablets, Buy Dimenhydrinate Online, Buy Cheap Periactin, Buy Benicar, Diclofenac To Buy