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Related post: cancer because of the yellow discoloration of the
amethyst colored iron solution. But the yellow was
not the canary yellow. On further discussion he
confided to me that there were several cancer cases
in the hospital. Very much interested in the dis-
cussion, I asked for the progress of such cancer
cases, and the answer was that they were getting
along quite well. I then called his attention to my
floating test for lactic acid, and we then proceeded
to apply the floating test to, the chyme which he
was then analyzing. The Lomefloxacin Hydrochloride chyme did not respond to
the floating test; there was no lactic acid in that
chyme. No wonder his supposed cancer cases got
along well, they were not cancer.
The fact that occasionally we get some patients
who refuse to take the stomach tube has caused
some investigators to devise a substitute. If the
medical profession in general were to recognize
that there is absolutely no contraindication to the
introduction of the stomach tube, and that a test
meal examination is absolutely essential — if our
diagnoses are not to be based upon mere guesswork
— there will soon be no objecting patient. Meth-
ods have been devised to test the motility of the
stomach and the very gastric secretions by having
the patients swallow some chemicals or minute ap-
pliances. My general criticism is derogatory to the
employment of any such means ; they prove noth-
ing and are a nuisance, leading to fatal mistakes.
The question of motility of the stomach is still con-
fusing the minds of the profession. It is unfor-
tunately still held by a good many that a pro-
longed sojourn of chyme within the stomach in-
dicates atony of the stomach — a lessened motility.
while a rapid emptying of the stomach evidences
an increased motility of the stomach. Ewald de-
vised the salol method for testing the motility of
the stomach, in accordance with which the urine
is tested for salicylic acid from half to three quar-
ters of an hour after the taking of the salol. Many
authorities have proved this test to be unreliable.
The employm.ent of the iodide of potassium for a
similar purpose has likewise been abandoned.
A few years Buy Lomefloxacin ago Sahli, of Berne, devised a quite
ingenious method, "the desmoid reaction," the object
of which is to determine the presence of free hydro-
chloric acid and the motility of the stomach. This
method rests on the assumption that connective
tissue and also catgut are digested only by hydro-
chloric acid. A small quantity, or a small pill of
methylene blue, is enclosed in a small rubber bag
and Lomefloxacin Eye Drops tied with catgut. This is swallowed by the pa-
tient. Normally the hydrochloric acid digests the
catgut, which frees the methylene blue, which is
excreted by the kidneys, giving the urine a blue
color. This is to happen, normally, within six to
seven hours after the swallowing of the rubber bag.
Always ready to improve, Einhorn worked out his
glass bead novelty, glass bead, and catgut, if the cat-
gut is digested, then there was hydrochloric acid.
.\nd if there is no digestion of the catgut (which is
recognizable according to Sahli by the failure of the
urine to be colored blue or greenish blue, and ac-
cording to Einhorn by the glass beads coming out
through the rectum with the catgut attached to it) ,
then the absence of hydrochloric acid or overmo-
tility is diagnosticated. Neither of these methods
[New Yoek
Medical Jodrnal.
takes cognizance of the presence of the condition
of a relaxed pylorus, of insufficientia pylori. In
insufficientia pylori the desmoid bag of Sahli and
Einhorn's toy beads will get beyond the pylorus,
although there may be sufficient hydrochloric acid.
And a too rapid disappearance of chyme or other
matter from the stomach I have already proved not
to indicate excessive motility, but rather a relaxed
pylorus. Also, various devices have been recom-
mended to circumvent the necessity for introducing
the tube for the purpose of ascertaining the pres-
ence of hydrochloric acid. Some advocate the pa-
tient's taking some sodium bicarbonate, which in
the presence of hydrochloric acid will be decom-
posed, giving off carbon dioxide, which would give
a hissing sound which could be heard. I confess I
have not tried this simple method. But the objec-
tion to it is that, at best, it would tell simply thL'
presence of an acid. And, as the acid in

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ロケーション:New York, アメリカ合衆国
最終アクセス:2013年 12月 3日(Tuesday) 05:38  (3819 日 20 時間)