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Related post: 11, 1888:
Whitakek, H. W., Passed Assistant Surgeon. Detached from
the Mohican and to proceed home and wait orders.
Society Meetings for the Coming Week:
Monday, August 20th: Hartford, Conn., City Medical Asso-
Tuesday, August 21st : Ogdensburg, N. Y., Medical Associa-
Wednesday, August 22d : Medical Society of the County of
Albany, N. Y.
John Miller, M. D., of Andover, N. J., died on Wednesday,
the 8th inst., at tlie age of seventy-two years. The deceased
was a graduate of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, of
New York, of the class of 1846.
John F. Dunphy, M. D., a graduate of the Georgetown
Medical College, of the class of 1873, who had for several years
practiced medicine in New York, died on Sunday, the 12th
inst. Dr. Dunphy was a member of the Medical Society of the
County of New York and of the Medico-legal Society.
Henry Raphael, M. D., died suddenly at Saratoga on Sun-
day, the 5th inst., in the forty-eighth year of his age. He was
graduated from Bellevue Hospital Medical College in 1862, and Methocarbamol Robaxin
for several years had been attending physician to the Bellevue
Hospital Out-patient Department, in the class of diseases of the
genito-urinary organs and syphilis, and to the Eastern Dispen-
sary, in the class of diseases of children. In 1869 he translated
Vogel's work on " Diseases of Robaxin Cost Children," and in 1886, von
Zeissl's work on the "Patliology and Treatment of Syphilis,"
to both of which works he added numerous editorial notes. He
was a member of the Medical Society of the County of New
York. His death was probably due to heart disease, from
which he was known to have suffered Iv Robaxin for several years.
tiXXns to i\t (l^bilor.
Charleston, W. Va., August 8, 1888.
To the Editor of the New YorJc Medical Journal :
Sik: I wish to call your attention to the unique treatment
of a case by an ex-member of the State Board of Health, Dr.
L. Carr, of our city. He, with several of us, call occasionally to
see Dr. Robaxin Vicodin Watkins, of our city, who is entirely helpless, and who,
by the way, is the oldest living graduate in the State of West
Virginia. The nurses whom we employ failed to keep the old
gentleman as clean as they should have done, consequently the
larvae of the fly made their appearance in considerable num-
bers, for which the ex-member ordered the patient washed in
elder-juicefor their extermination. Now, what I wish to ask of
you is, to explain the peculiar action of this new antiparasitic. Buy Robaxin
I acknowledge that it is entirely new to me, but, as it comes
from an ex-State officer, it is highly Robaxin 5 Mg probable that the promul-
gation of it may do the profession at large much good.
F. S. Thomas.
^*^ In Stille and Maisch's " National Dispensatory," edition
of 1886, on page 1332, our contributor will find mention made
of the use of the elder for the destruction of maggots.
UrocciJbings of Socictus.
Fourth Meeting.
The President, Dr. W. H. Baker, of Boston, in tlie Chair.
{Vontimu'd from pw/e 78.)
Varicocele in the Female : What Robaxin Online is its Influence upon
the Ovary ? — This was the title of a paper read by Dr. A. Pal-
mer Dudley, of New York Robaxin Tablets (see pages 147 and Buy Robaxin Online 174). Robaxin Iv
Dr. Howard Kelly, of Philadelphia, said that this was a
subject in which he had been interested for some time. He
had published something on it within the last two weeks. In
several cases of laparotomy he had found a distorted, dis-
tended condition of the veins on the left side. At that
time he had not known what significance to attribute to
them. About eight months ago he had operated in a case
of very severe pelvic pain, in which he thought that by Robaxin 500mg
bimanual palpation he felt ovarian enlargement. He found
large veins, and a number of tributary veins moderately en-
larged. On thinking about Robaxin 750mg the matter, he had come to the con-

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最終アクセス:2013年 12月 1日(Sunday) 19:44  (3797 日 16 時間)