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Related post: ("Ctrlbl. f. prakt. Aug.," June, 1887) has found, in examining the
visual field of twenty-seven glaucomatous eyes, five cases in which
scotomata were present, and advises the careful examination of all such
visual fields, as in his opinion scotomata are not so very rare in these
cases. The position of the paracentral scotoma is such that, when it
affects the right eye, it renders the reading of continuous type very
difficult. Larger words were not glanced at. Objects which at a greater
distance fell within the limits of the scotomata, were not recognized
Marcli 17, 1888.J
The disturbance in the color-sense in two of his five cases showed that
sharp distinction is not always to be made in the color-sense between
glaucomatous and atrophic diseases of the optic nerve. All five cases Buy Itraconazole Online
showed but very slight glaucomatous changes in the anterior segment
of the eye, and the tension was sometimes normal, and sometimes only
slightly increased. In two cases the scotoma did not appear until after
the eyes had been operated upon. The one constant anatomical change
which he found in these five cases with scotomata was the excavation
of the optic disc. These scotomata bore a very strong analogy to the
scotomata found in toxic amblyopia.
Uniform Notation of Astigmatism and of Cylindrical Glasses. —
Armaignac ("Ann. d'oc," May-June, 1887) ofifers the following propo-
sitions for consideration: 1. In every designation of astigmatism it
should be stated whether the latter is objective (corneal) or subjective
(functional). 2. In corneal astigmatism, as in static or dynamic re-
fraction of the eye, that meridian should always be regarded as tlie
principal one which has the least curvature — that is, the least refract-
ing. 3. The direction of the astigmatic meridan should be indicated
by the continuous graduation of the lower semicircle of the spectacle-
rim placed on the nose of the patient, and the zero of the scale should
be placed at the left extremity of the horizontal diameter, and 180 at
the right extremity. 4. The notation should be the same for each eye.
6. All the instruments for measuring objective or functional astigma-
tism should be graduated in conformity with the preceding propositions.
6. In the description of compound astigmatism and sphero-cylindrical
glasses we should write as follows : First the letters D or O S, ac-
cording as it is the right or left eye ; then the Buy Cheap Itraconazole spherical glass, preceded
or not by the letters sph ; then a comma or semicolon, and finally the
degrees of astigmatism, and the figure of this astigmatism preceded by
the sign -t- or — , according as it is positive or negative. Itraconazole Online
Spontaneous Absorption of Senile Cataract. — Kipp (" Amer. Jour,
of Ophth.," June, 1887) reports a case of this nature in a man aged
sixty-eight. He was first seen in 18Y3, and at that time was in good
health. He had a nucleo-cortical cataract in each eye, the left eye being
fully mature and the right eye almost mature. Perception of light and
projection were good. There was no sugar in the urine. An extrac-
tion was done on the left eye in November, 1873 ; the wound healed
rapidly and three weeks after the operation Purchase Itraconazole his vision was in L. E.
15 1 1
with H- ^^, and he read Jaeger No. 1 with -f
Twelve years
40 " ■ 3f " ^ " ■ 2f
later he was seen again, in November, 1885. He stated that he had no
operation done on the right eye, nor had he met with any injury to that
eye. He had noticed an improvement in the sight of the right eye
during the last few years. An examination showed that in the right eye
18 1 1
V = — with -f — -, and he could read the smallest print with -f --.
30 3-^ z^
The right eye appeared perfectly normal. There was no scar in the
cornea or sclerotic. The anterior chamber was very deep. The iris Order Itraconazole Online
was intact but tremulous. The pupil was small, free, and active, and,
on being dilated by atropine, nothing but the capsule was found to re-
main, apparently intact and attached all around to the suspensory Buy Itraconazole liga-
ment. It was thin and transparent, except Ijelow, where a small,
opaque whitisji mass was adherent to its inner surface.
Kupture of the Optic Nerve at the Chiasm. — Post {ibid.) Purchase Itraconazole Online reports a
rare accident of this kind occurring in a colored man, aged twenty-
three, who accidentally struck his eye a violent blow against the fender
of a carriage-wheel. When Post first saw him the eye was hanging by
a large amount of tissue just outside the palpebral opening. The fender
of the wheel Generic Itraconazole had struck the lower lid just above the orbital ridge Cheap Itraconazole of Order Itraconazole the
superior maxillary bone, and the blow had dislocated the globe, and also

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ロケーション:New York, アメリカ合衆国
最終アクセス:2013年 11月 30日(Saturday) 17:13  (3820 日 )