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![]() | Related post: Relation between Oonorrhcea and Renal Disease. — There is no doubt in my mind that if this patient had not con- tracted gonorrluL-a he would not have died of suppurative nephritis. I believe that gonorrhoea is a frequent causative factor in renal disease, and that among Buy Ticlopidine the sequelse of this lesion nephritis is not rare. The ways in which gonorrhoea may induce disease of the kidneys appear to nic to be as follows : 1. By direct extension of tlie inflammatory process by virtue of continuity of structure. 2. By interference with escape of urine, as in stricture. The bladder, becoming filled, causes the urine to collect in the pelvis, calyces, and tubules of the kidney, and inter- feres with the process of secretion, causing congestion, whicli, if prolonged, the succeeding stages of inflammation follow and a nephritis is established. 3. 15y reflex irritation. The urethral irritation may rc- flexly disturb the renal function and cause hypcrscniia and congestion. 4. By diuretics. The excessive or injudicious adminis- tration of copaiba, cubebs, etc., so commonly used for the cure of gonorrhica, may induce disease of the kidnejs by overstimulation of these organs. 434 LEADING ARTIGLES. [N. Y. ilED. Jock., NEW YORK MEDICAL JOURNAL, A Weekly Review of Medicine. Published by D. Appleton & Co. Edited by Frank P. Foster, M. D. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1890. PAWLIK'S OPERATION FOR CANCER OF THE CERVIX UTERI. The Medical News gives an interesting estimate of Pawlik's recently proposed operation Ticlopidine 250 Mg for the free extirpation, by tbe vaginal method, of the necls of the uterus when cancerously diseased, and of the perimetric connective tissue along with the diseased part of the uterus. This procedure is dignified by the somewhat ambitions, possibly misleading, title of "the radical cure of cancer of the cervix uteri." The "radical" feature consists in the free use of the knife upon those lateral tissues in which the disease usually spreads before it extends from the cervix to the bo3y of the organ. Incidental to this operation are Pawlik's studies in regard to catheterism of the ureters, which confirm the view already pronounced by that surgeon Ticlopidine Hydrochloride that the free removal of the infiltrated tissues may be accom- plished without injuring the ureters. This confirmation has been found, the writer believes, in the fact that the ureters are rare- ly involved in the cancerous infiltration. In four cases of can- cer of the cervix he inserted a catheter into the ureters and proceeded to remove the diseased organ and its adjacent con- nective tissue. The results thus far obtained appear to justify the inductions; two of the patients are now alive Ticlopidine Clopidogrel and without a recurrence of the trouble, a year and more having elapsed since the operation ; in a third case cystitis with uretero-vagi- nal fistula] has been an unfortunate secjuel, but the patient's general health has continued good. One patient has passed out of observation and can not at present be reported on. This is a small series of cases upon which to build any broad generalizations, but we are confident that it will enlist the at- tention of surgeons. The writer in the News has evidently been under the immediate inllnence of Pawlik, since that part of his article which relates to catheterism of the ureters reveals the fact that " under his eye we have successfully followed his example" in regard to the delicate manipulation. He therefore writes with a full appreciation of the requisites of the opera- tion under discussion. Catheterism of the ureters, while not exceedingly difficult, requires constant practice, and Pawlik himself embraces every opportunity to practice this explora- tion, for he finds that only in that way can he maintain his re- Related links: where can i get acyclovir cream, Cheap Flonase, Buy Wellbutrin Xl Online, Flonase Nose Spray, prozac buy europe, Buy Pravachol Online, Elavil 10, buy retin-a online pharmacy, buy propecia no prescription, Buy Dexone