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Pig. '.!. — .1 represents the model finished in clay and ready to receive the first eoat of paper strips moistened in watei : B represents the clay model covered with
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of midwifery is in the personal and actual care of par-
turient and puerperal women — no student, however,
should be allowed this privilege without previous train-
ing — and in witnessing various obstetrical procedures in
a clinic; but unless his mind has been made familiar Purchase Herbolax
* Read before the American Gynteeological Society at its twenty-first
annual meeting, New York, May 26, 1896. [The illustrations are num-
bered continuously w ith those in the author's article published in the
last number of the Journal, to facilitate reference from the one article
to the other. — The Editor.]
teaching — namely, a didactic lecture that is in part reci-
tation, in part demonstration, and which is freely and
abundantly illustrated by various means, some of which
I suggest in this paper.
Not a decade ago the memory was the only faculty
appealed to and cultivated in the teaching of obstetrics.
The student's mind was made the recipient of isolated
facts, and required to retain them by brute force as it
were. That memory has its place and is an important
factor we make no question, but it is the power to ob-
[S. Y. Med. Jocb.,
serve, to grasp, to comprehend, to utilize, to put two and of the instructor in the recitation room may be abso-
two together and reach a logical conclusion — that is the lutely wasted upon the pupil, whereas were simple and
fundamental principle of practical education. familiar objects Order Herbolax and models, which possess the third
It has been for the readier and better cultivation of dimension of space, made use of in conjunction Buy Cheap Herbolax with
those two faculties of the mind, so essential to the medi- | the description, the subject would immediately appeal to
? f •
Fio. 10. Fio. n Fio. r.
Fig. 10.— Nun gravid nterue i.i 2" x 1 ">. (Plastercast from Nature ; J natu-
ral size ; I rum u photograph.)
F'in. 11.— Gravid nterue at end of first month (3J" x 2J" x l!"i. Marked an-
tero-posterior growth. Pyriform shape preserved. Almost cylindrical.
(Plaster cast ; \ natural si/.r ; from a Purchase Herbolax Online photograph.)
Fig. 12. — Gravid uterus at end of second month (4}" x 3J" x 2"). Further
autero -posterior growth. Pyriform shape still preserved. (Paper model;
i natural size : from a photograph.)
cal student — namely, the reason and perception — that
necessity has compelled us to invent these various aids in
obstetric teaching presented to the American Gynae-
cological Society to-day. The medical student entering,
for example, upon his recitation course in obstetrics
in his second college year, will of Buy Herbolax Online necessity, both in his
Fig. 13. Fig. 14.
Fig. 13.— Gravid uterus at end of third month (5" x 4" x 3"). Pyriform
shape gradually disappearing. Shape nearly spherical. (Paper model ; J
natural size ; from a photograph.)
Fig. 14. — Gravid uterus at end of fourth month (6" * .V * It. Marked
ovoid. Anterior surface round as a hall : posterior surface flattened. Cor-
pus uteri furnishes principal element of growth. Tubes considerably below
the horns. Size and shape influenced by fo-tus. placenta, liquor amnii. and
disease. (Paper model : \ natural Order Herbolax Online size ; from a photograph.)
the student, new interest would be awakened, and the
facts in question be rendered so plain and simple as not
readily to be misunderstood or forgotten.
Diagrams fail because the}' are unreal, because they
are not readily understood, because the anatomical rela-
tionships are obscured, because only one surface of the

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ロケーション:New York, アメリカ合衆国
最終アクセス:2013年 11月 20日(Wednesday) 16:36  (3808 日 18 時間)