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Related post: KESCHNER: ALCOHOL AND LEGAL MEDICJ.KE. [New York Medical Journal. them all and conclude that as in the diseases Nexium Website men- Nexium Coupons Discounts tioned we must resort to symptomatic treatment. In most of these patients forced feeding must be re- sorted to. Some of them must have Nexium Caps alcohol in some form to sustain life. To keep them quiet such drugs as chloral, paraldehyde, the bromides, mor- phine, apomorphine, Nexium Online Pharmacy hyoscine, and ergot must be used ; in the administration of which the usual pre- cautions must be taken. There are, however, two drugs that I should like to say a few words about ; these are apomorphine and hyoscine. Apomorphine hydrochloride. Generics For Nexium Apomorphine hy- drochloride was considered at one time the best hyp- notic in delirium tremens. Warren Coleman and Polk, Nexium Info in American Medicine, March 8, 1902, con- clude the drug to Nexium News be a valuable hypnotic for hard drinkers, who have taken more than their usual quantity, and for chronic alcoholics, who have ab- stained from food for several days while continuing to drink, but they Order Cheap Nexium have found the remedy valueless in delirium tremens ; they found its administration attended with danger, and got no satisfactory re- sults when they employed the drug in cases border- ing^nly on delirium tremens. This has been, in the main, my experience with this agent. Hyoscine hydrobromide. Dr. M. K. Lott and Dr. H. A. Hare, in the Therapeutic Gazette of February 15, 1902, advocate the use of hyoscine to break up the alcohol habit ; they do this by using it hypoder- mically in doses of from 1/200 to i/ioo grain every thirty minutes, until the dryness of the mouth and flushing of the face with mild delirium set in. I have had no experience with the drug in this di- rection, but obtained excellent results in 1/50 grain doses administered hypodermically in patients who could not go to sleep and were on the verge of delirium. Before closing the question of therapeutics in this affliction it is important Low Cost Nexium to bear in mind that some patients will go to sleep after thorough catharsis, a cold shower, and a dose of strychnine sooner than after the administration of the most powerful hyp- notics. Nexium Generics Some patients must be kept in a padded cell, others have to be put in a strait jacket, and others do not keep quiet, no matter what may be done for them, and keep on shouting till they die of exhaustion. Most of the so called cures for chronic alcoholism consist in the administration of some derivative of the belladonna group, systematic catharsis, and gradual withdrawal of alcohol. ALCOHOLIC CONVULSIONS. So called alcoholic epilepsy. This condition must not be confounded with convulsions following acute poisoning with alcohol ; it occurs most frequently in chronic, hard drinkers, as well as in moderate drink- ers. Epileptics as well as nonepileptics may be subject Nexium Canada PriceNexium 60 MgNexium Purple Card to it. It is marked by profound disturbances of con- sciousness and severe epileptic convulsions involving the entire body. The convulsion itself resembles grand mal. It is usually preceded by an aura and is characterized by a very rapid Nexium Picture course of symptoms, their rapid cessation, and a loss of memory for events occurring during this state. Even in non- cpilentics these convulsive seizures are apt to return after every severe intoxication. A Nexium Pack curious fact ob- served by me was that the greater the number of these convulsions the less chance was there for the individual to get the delirium tremens. It occurred to me that Nexium Vs Generic perhaps these convulsions were manifes- tations of an acute reaction of the brain Nexium Cap 40mg cells to the alcoholic poison, and that the poison was thus elimi-. nated from the body by the great activity of the muscles during the convulsions, and failed to have the chronic effect on the cells which Discount Nexium Online is a necessary factor in the production of delirium tremens. The poisonous Nexium Price Comparison effect of alcehol on the 'special senses is best illustrated by alcoholic Nexium Label amblyopia. From an aetiological standpoint, there are two varie- ties, one due to ethyl and one to methyl alcohol. F. Van Fleet, in the Medical Record of January, 1902, reports a case of sudden complete blindness from drinking a large amount of ethyl alcohol. The lesion was an acute retrobulbar neuritis. The blind- ness was at first complete, but at the end of six weeks, vision had increased to 20/200 and 3/200. Treatment was total abstinence from alcohol and to- Related links: Levodopa Price, Can You Buy Retin A Over The Counter, Discount Famvir, 20 Mg Omeprazole, 400 mg seroquel price, cheap kamagra uk, Buy Cheap Carbidopa, Cytotec Tablet, Cheap Sildenafil Citrate, Doxazosin Mesylate 4 Mg