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Cartia Xt
Cartia Xt

Related post: case had appeared normal. There had been no history of Cartia Xt 300 Mg syph-
ilis in any one of these cases, and only in the first one had a
suspicion of it been created by the fact that the man's wife had
had sis children, five of whom had died in infancy. The three
men had had grippe, and that had been the only evident cause
of the neuritis. In the second case the man had been couah-
ing, and, being a rather plethoric fellow, this probably had
caused the hajmorrhage under the skin and conjunctivae.
Dr. Beverley Robinson thought the grippe a queer sort of a
disease that showed its manifestations in a variety of ways. He
spoke of the Cartia Xt Discontinued need of a specific to allay the poison as antitoxine
was alleged to do for diphtheria. For the last two years he
had combated the disease by keeping the patients in creosote
vapor. It was an antiseptic that could be taken in large doses
without harm, while carbolic acid, if inhaled by the individual,
would be injurious, and turpentine did not have the antiseptic
power of creosote. If taken in the fluid form it would upset
the stomach and might aftect the kidneys, but if vaporized it
would not affect the stomach. He had used it in many cases
of croupous pneumonia with good results. If the respiratory
passages were rendered aseptic Cartia Xt 180 Mg the micro-organisms could nut
live there. He thought scientists only followed the empiri-
cists. The scientist might give the explanation of why a
drug was helpful, but the empiricist was Cartia Xt 120 Mg the discoverer of the
Dr. F. M. Warner spoke of the phases of the disease in
children — the inflammation of the respiratory passages and ca-
tarrhal inflammation of the gastro-intestinal tract, particularly
laryngitis and gastro-enteritis. In one case the laryngitis had
Miirch :3(l. IH! ").|
been so severe that it had been a question whether there had
not been a croupous exudation existinfr. The child had made a
recovery witliout intubation. Tiie gastro-enteritis had been so
severe in one case that after a lapse of forty-eight hours tlie
child had been almost in tlie condition of one after a violent
attack of gastro-enteritis in the hot summer season, had lost a
great many Cartia Xt pounds of flesh, and had had constant liquid move-
ments. Nephritis was pretty constantly present, but seldom
discovered, because the urine was seldom examined in young
children. He spoke of using creosote vapor where there was a
cough following the grippe, where the cough did not yield to
other remedies. He used a tifty per-cent. solution of creosote
and terebene by means of Dr. Robinson's inhaler, and also gave
creosote internally.
Dr. Robinson stated tliat he used creosote in the following
way Cartia Tablets : lie vaporized it in the room, made a solution of a draelim
of the creosote to an ounce of alcohol, and added a teaspoonful
of this mixture to a pint of hot water, keeping up the inhalation
for twenty-four or forty-eight hours at a time.
Dr. W. L. Carb spoke of the inflammatory troubles in chil-
dren connected with catarrhal diseases of the respiratory tract.
He referred to two recent cases in children. One had had a
naso-pharyngeal and bronchial catarrh following an attack of
la grippe. The child's respiration had been 68, pulse 148, tem-
perature 104° F. There had been quite a little catarrhal con-
dition and bronchitis. What had been especially noticeable
had been the absence of respiratory murmur at the base of the
left lung. The speaker had ordered a hot bath, coimter irrita-
tion of the chest, and a doso of calomel. On the following day
the temperature had fallen two degrees; within twenty-four
hours the temperature had been normal. There had been a
continuance of some mucous sounds, but no fine rales of any
kind. Within forty-eight hours the child had had acute pneu-
monia of the left side and had gone through a regular course.
The other case had occurred in a syphilitic child. There had
been at the right base the absence of respiratory murmur, with
almost the same history; the temperature (102'5°) had dropped
to normal without any medicine or bath. At the end of fifty-
two hours the child had liad a temperature that had run up
suddenly to 105° F. The child had had pneumonia followed by
empyema, from which it had been convalescent. The peculiar- Cartia Xt 240 Mg
ity had been the absence of respiratory murmur and the occur-
rence of the pneumonia after the temperature had been nornud
for forty-eight hours. lie thought antiseptics in almost all
cases were of service locally, and advised the use of irrigation Cartia 120 Mg
with mild alkaline solutions. Creosote and eucalyptus had
proved beneficial when used for inhalation from a croup ke-ttlc.
|^0oh Botitcs.
Tlie Cartia 240 Mg Elements of Pathological Histology; with Special Refer-
ence to Practical Methods. Ry Dr. Anton Weiohselbaum,
Professor of Pathological Anatomy and Cartia Xt Generic Director of the In-
stitute of Pathological Anatomy in the University of Vienna.
Translated by W. R. Dawson, M. D. (Dub.), Demonstrator
of Pathology in the Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland, etc.
AVitli Eight Plates and a Large Number of Hlustrations in the
Text, Cartia 180 Mg some of which are Colored. London and New York :
Longmans, Green, & Co., 1895. Pp. xv-7 to 456.
In translating this work Dr. Dawson has arranged the text
in chapters in which the practical portion is printed in smaller
type than the descriptive, so as to facilitate reference ; he lias
interpolated the exact zoological names of the animal parasites
and made some other insertions in relation to terminology ; and
he has introduced descriptions of the method of fixing speci-
mens for section- cutting by imbedding them in frozen gum, and
has described Hevan Lewis's modified fresh method of examining
the brain. These are the essential differences between this
work and the German edition, that appeared some three
years ago.
The author's aim in preparing the work was to provide a
guide in which the inexperienced might find brief and concise
descriptions of the doctrines of pathology and of the most use-
ful and practical methods for its investigation. Accordingly
the volume is divided into three parts, the first dealing with the
general methods Cartia 100mg of investigation, the second with general
pathological histology, and the third with special pathological
The first part describes the histological and bacteriological
methods of investigation, including the methods of transmission
of pure cultures of micro-organisms to animals. The second
part describes the retrograde and progressive changes in tissues,
neoplasms, and parasites. In the third part the organs are sep-
arately considered, the different chapters treating of the blood ;
the circulatory apparatus ; the spleen, the lymphatic and the thy-
reoid glands, and suprarenal capsules ; the digestive apparatus ; Cartia Xt 180
the liver, bile-ducts, and pancreas; the respiratory apparatus;
the urinary apparatus ; the generative apparatus ; the nervous
system ; the organs of locomotion ; the skin ; the eye ; and the
ear. At the end of each chapter the best methods of examina-
tion are described, and their diagnostic value is Cartia Xt 240 specified.
In the examination of the tissues of the nervous system the
author prefers Weigert's stain, Pol's modification of the same,
Heidenhain's Cartia Australia method, and Adarakiewicz's method. We should
have been glad to learn the author's or the translator's experi-
ence with formalin.
The chapters on the eye Cartia Xl and the ear are noticeable on ac-

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最終アクセス:2013年 11月 18日(Monday) 10:18  (3959 日 6 時間)