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The spasm of accommodation is frequently, if not gen-
erally, brought about by the abuse and excessive use of the
muscles of accommodation under unfavorable circumstances-
The causes of spasm may be enumerated as follows:
1. One of the most frequent causes is working with
minute objects, which can only be seen distinctly when
brought closer to the eye than the normal punctuin. proxi-
mum. Especially is this so when the work is carried on by
scant illumination for anv length of time^e. i/., reading
fine print during twilight hours, writing, or doing line
needlework. For the same reason, in order to obtain a
larger retinal image, amblyopes and astigmatics hold their
objects so near their eyes as easily to subject themselves
to spasm of the accommodation. Hyperopic refraction at
all times calls forth an excessive employment of accom-
modation when no glasses are worn or when the glass
worn is too weak. It is for this reason that we so often
find all kinds of spasm of accommodation among the
hyperopes. This is especially prominent among students,
the majority of whom are hyperopic. These often wear no
correcting glasses, thus leaving a good share of the range
of accommodation latent, which invariably produces a spasm.
2. Irritation of the ciliary muscles, especially of the
ciliary nerves, often gives rise Buy Phenazopyridine to various forms of spasm.
The progressive form of myopia may be mentioned in this
connection as producing spasm, also incipient glaucoma.
3. Insufficiency of the recti interni is another cause of
spasm. At the same time insufficient externi recti are
prone to produce more or less spasm of accommodation;
for with insufficient interni recti an effort far above the
normal is called for to achieve the necessary convergence
to maintain the point of fixation, and this calls forth too
great a strain on the power of accommodation. This is so
from the fact that convergence and accommodation, up to
a certain point, are closely related actions. This state of
alfairs is prominently brought forth in myopes.
4. Furtlieimore, various kinds of traumatisms are very
apt to produce spasm of the accommodation. Foreign
bodies in the conjunctiva or in the cornea frequently main-
tain a spastic myosis or accommodation for the near point.
The spasm here is due to reflex irritation.
5. Morphine and calabar bean are cited as specific causes
of certain forms of spasm. Even a spasm of the orbicularis
palfiebrarum has been credited by von Graefe with having
caused spasm of the accommodation. How spasm of this
muscle could produce a similar condition of the muscle of Purchase Phenazopyridine Online
accommodation is rather strange indeed.
6. The effort to overcome diplopia, especially in recent
cases, may yive rise to spasm of accommodation. This oc-
curs more frequently when the diplojna is due to insuffi-
cient muscles than w hen it is due to other ocular defects.
[N. Y. Med. JonB.,
7. At times, on the instillation of homatropine, a spasm
of accommodation may arise. This usually occurs when
five or six applications have been made, and may be ac-
counted as a reflex spasm. This form is of short duration,
and can be overcome easily by the continuance of the
homatropine or by the use of the ordinary sulphate Purchase Phenazopyridine of atro-
pine, preferably the latter.
8. Certain hyperaestbctic conditions of the retina may
bring about spasm of accommodation. This is purely of
a reflex nature. It occurs in cases where the retina is
over-sensitive to diffusion circles. The retina is tbe reo-u-
lator, as it were, of the accurate image foi mation, and the
inaccuracy dependent on the diffusion circles is the point
of irritation giving rise to a reflex spasm.
9. Finallv, inflammatory conditions of the conjunctiva,
cornea, or sclera are capable at times of producing spasm.
This is found mostly among those of a highly strung nerv-
ous svstem, in whom the slightest irritation is sufficient to
produce a spasm of almost any muscle. The rarer forms
of spasm are attributed to epilepsy, hysteria, and disturb-
ances of the central nervous system. Irritation of the
cilio spinal center may produce the same condition spoken
of. Then, too, certain brain lesions are credited with the
production of spasm of the muscle of accommodation.
The treatment of spasm of accommodation is as fol-
lows: 1. If possible, remove the exciting cause; this
certainly is of prime importance. 2. Avoid the continual
straining of the eyes ; advise frequent intervals of rest if
work can not be entirely suspended. 3. Obtain the best
illumination possible ; ameliorate the too intense light by
wearing smoked lenses. 4. Treat any insufficient muscle ;
relieve all irritations. 5. The spasm which produces a
certain amount of latent hyperopia is to be overcome by
prescribing suitably adjusted convex glasses. The same
may be said of myopia and astigmatism. It is not abso-
lutely necessary to correct the entire amount of hyperopia,
for Order Phenazopyridine a certain portion may remain uncorrected without caus-
ing any evil results. 6. In myopes, when the spasm is due
to irritation of the ciliary muscle, it can be overcome by
local leeching and insistence upon absolute rest for the
eyes. 1. The mainstay in the treatment is the sulphate of
atropine, which is sure to allay the spasm as long as it is
instilled, and in the majority of Order Phenazopyridine Online cases gives a cure, pro-
viding the former exciting causes are to a great extent
done away with. A stronger solution than usual is em-
ployed, for it takes a longer time for it to act on a spastic
muscle than on a normal one. One may employ it as
strong as gr. j to 3 j or 3 ij of water, two or three drops
to be instilled three or four limes daily. 8. In traumatic
cases make use of antiphlogistic measures. Remove for-
eign bodies if there are any present. 9. The constant gal-
vanic current is much lauded in certain cases. At times a
rapid local abstraction of blood may materially reduce the
spasm for the time being. At no time should we forget to
make use of constitutional treatment. If atropine produces
untoward effects, sulphate of duboisine may be used in its
stead, though it is not so reliable as the former.
Upon the whole, the Buy Phenazopyridine Online treatment of spasm of accommoda-
tion is satisfactory both to the patient and to the physician.
A Weekly Review of Medicine.
Piibliehed by
D. Appleton & Co.
Edited by
Frank P. Postbb, M. D.

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ロケーション:New York, アメリカ合衆国
最終アクセス:2013年 11月 18日(Monday) 04:45  (4139 日 5 時間)