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Related post: pressure with the finger tips is made. These ma-
neuvres will enable one to be reasonably sure of
the presence of tenderness. Occasionally, in long
standing cases of chronic cholecystitis a tongue-
like lobe of the liver overlying a tender gallbadder
can be made out by palpation and percussion ; also
a circumscribed rigidity of the overlying abdominal
walls may be present, which, together with the
above mentioned signs, makes the diagnosis more
certain. The chief error in many cases, however,
is failing to rule out a diseased appendix that
holds a high position. Again let me say that the
appendix can be likened to the protean artist who
is capable of assuming many different characters
at will.
The avoidance of error in the differentiation be- Purchase Phenytoin Online
tween chrcinic appendicitis, where the appendix
holds a high position, chronic cholecystitis, chronic
pancreatitis and chronic atypical duodenal or gas-
tric ulcer is many times impossible, with the ex-
ception perhaps of the ulcer cases, in which the
X ray should settle the diagnosis, although that
too has been known to fail. Stomach analysis is
anything but trustworthy, yet it should neverthe-
less be made for occasionally it is of diagnostic
value. In doubtful cases we naturally take advan-
tage of every means at our disposal and then fail
[New York
Medical Journal.
often enough, and even with the belly wall laid
open, how often have I had difficulty in arriving
at a definite conclusion.
Typical chronic duodenal or gastric ulcer with
few exceptions ought not be overlooked. The
history of indigestion with epigastric fullness, to
the extent of producing a feeling as if the stomach
v>^ould burst, pain coming on two, three or four
hours after eating, depending upon whether the
lesion is gastric or duodenal, usually relieved by eat-
ing or by taking bicarbonate of soda ; the high
acidity, the periodicity of the attacks of pain, the
X ray findings, which are usually positive, should
make the diagnosis. The heavier the meal the
longer will the pain and feeling of fullness be in
appearing. The interval between attacks leads the
patients to believe that they have been cured. It
is important to remember that an excess of total
acidity, with a high free hydrochloric acid, and
hunger pain also occur in cases of chronic gallstone
disease. When the x ray does not show ulcer or
gallstones it frequently will show adhesions which
of course mean a lesion ; the most common factor
in the upper right abdomen responsible for Buy Cheap Phenytoin adhe-
sions being a chronically infected gallbladder.
A high appendix which has been the seat of a
terminal inflammation is also responsible for a con-
siderable percentage of the cases in which adhe-
sions are found. Adhesions are the aftermath of
a peritonitis, that is, where there are adhesions
there has been a peritonitis although it need not
necessarily have been severe enough to have been
recognized as such. Adhesions hold the same rela-
tion to a previous peritonitis as smoke or charred
wood to a previous fire, where these are found
there is or has been a fire. I hope I may be per-
mitted to repeat what I have so often stated that
most of the adhesions I have had to deal with have
been pathological and not congenital. My experi-
ence in having opened many thousands of peri-
toneal cavities in Order Phenytoin all stages of inflammation has
forced me to this conclusion. It is only those of
us who have many times observed in the living
autopsy Buy Phenytoin Online peritonitis from its earliest to its latest and
terminal stages that are best capable of passing
final judgment on this subject. Adhesions indeed
often play a prominent role in chronic abdominal
disease and are very frequently responsible for
errors in diagnosis. The experience is not uncom-
mon after an elaborate diagnosis to find that the
patholog}- is due to adhesions alone.
If a patient past middle life, without a history of
indigestion, suddenly loses appetite, especially for
meats, grows progressively weaker and more emaci-
ated, develops epigastric pain and possibly a pal-
pable mass : if in addition he becomes subject to
vomiting spells every few days which bring up
a quantity of coffee ground material, foul smell-
ing and fermented, and the cancerous cachexia
quickly develops, we have the classical picture of
gastric carcinoma. It is still frequently seen, but it
is rare when compared with the other course of
development which we have begim to appreciate only
in the last few Buy Phenytoin years, — as found in lifelong suflFerers
from dyspepsia. Medical treatment Order Phenytoin Online has at times
given relief, but the indigestion recurs again and
again. Appetite may be preserved, but digestion is
torture; so that abstemiousness becomes second na-
ture. There may or there may not have been some
period when gastric ulcer was suspected or actually
diagnosticated. Usually there have been no very
definite symptoms, and the patient has been treated
for chronic gastritis. Finally the patient dies, and
at autopsy a widespreading epitheliomatous ulcer
;s found. Gastric carcinoma appears with sudden
onset in not more than ten per cent, of cases.
The greatest good can only be obtained by operat-
ing early for rebellious indigestion and not waiting
until there is no longer any question that the patient
has carcinoma.
The error of failing to recognize chronic pancre-
atitis is a common one. While it is true that it is
difficult to make the diagnosis, this is no ex-
cuse for failing to think of this by no means un-
common condition and in endeavoring to recognize
it. A history of longstanding gallbladder disease
m the shape of the premonitory symptoms of gall-
stone formation, namely, fullness after eating,
eructations of gas, occasional nausea, epigastric
discomfort, occasional yellow tinge of the sclera,
slight fullness to palpation in the epigastric region,
with, in some instances, palpatory evidence of an
enlarged pancreas ; if in addition the urine shows
a positive Cammidge reaction and, more Purchase Phenytoin especially,
if free fat is found in the stools and there is
likewise a history of large bulky stools — all these
symptoms and signs warrant the assumption of
bome pancreatic disturbance. Most often, however,
the condition should have Generic Phenytoin been detected in its
early stage of a pancreatic lymphangitis which
gives rise to practically the same type of symptoms
as in chronic pancreatitis. It is the inexcusable
sequel of neglected gallbladder disease, and failure
to recognize it provides much of our operating

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ロケーション:New York, アメリカ合衆国
最終アクセス:2013年 11月 15日(Friday) 17:03  (3807 日 16 時間)