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Related post: will inhibit proliferation of the new
growth cells, and Oral Zyvox will finally cause necro-
sis of the cells nearest it, while farther
away Purchase Zyvox Online from the tube the same kind of cells
may be only stimulated. Therefore, there
is a limit through which the rays can pen-
etrate healthy tissue, destroying malig-
nant cells, without injuring the healthv
tissue. It has been demonstrated that
when radium is placed in contact with a
cancerous mass the malignant cells can
only be destroyed for a distance of from
one to about one and one-half inches from
the radium tube. By cross firing this can
be increased somewhat, but will not take
the place of the source of energy which is
placed at from eight to ten inches Zyvox Injection away as
is the custom with the Coolidge tube.
Radiation to the depth of from one to
one and one-half inches is sufficient to
destroy many malignant growths, but Zyvox Sales it
will not reach the Zyvox Indication outlying cells in the
lymphatic glands. Deeper effects Zyvox Antibiotic Cost can be
obtained by placing the source Zyvox Mg of energy
at a distance from the mass and by cross
firing, and it has been demonstrated that
with the source of energy at eight inches
from the surface by treating through
seven ports of entry a tumor four inches
below the surface would receive about the
same amount of radiation as the skin
would receive over any one particular
area while a growth five to six inches be-
low the surface, for example, a cervix or
uterus in a large woman, would require
eight to ten portals of entry to get the
same results. It has also been demon-
strated that carcinoma four inches below
the surface will not be much affected by
less than this amount of radiation, while
a sarcomatous m&ss would probably be
reduced in size by from one-third to one-
fifth of this dosage. Then since most ma-
lignant cells are about two to five times
more Zyvox Generic Name susceptible to the destructive action
of the rays than normal Buy Cheap Zyvox tissue cells, it is
possible to produce clinical retrogression
of malignant growths and even within
the lymphatic glands to destroy them at
some distance from the surface without
destroying the overlying skin.
It has also been demonstrated that Zyvox Oral the
action of the rays varies considerably
with the type of disease under treatment.
For example, it requires considerably less
radiation to destroy sarcoma than it does
to destroy carcinoma. This could be illus-
trated by treating lympo-sarcoma of the
cervical glands where there is a large
mass and in treating carcinomatous
September 1921
glands which have metastasized from the
lip, tongue, throat, face or scalp. The
large sarcomatous mass will disappear
much more quickly than the small car-
cinomatous mass. We also find several
other peculiar characteristics of the dif-
ferent types of the same disease. The
lympho-sarcoma is much easier than the
melanotic form while a giant cell type is
easier to cure than either the spindle or
small round cell type. We also note that
the scirrhus type of carcinoma is Can Zyvox Tablets Be Crushed the
easiest form of this disease to cure, while
it requires from two to four times more
radiation to cure Order Zyvox the squamous cell Order Zyvox Online carci-
noma of the mucous membrane. The lip
and the cervix require much more radia-
tion than carcinoma originating in the
skin. The vagina will tolerate from five to
eight times Zyvox 600 Mg Tablet more radiation than the skin
over the abdomen. This alone should in-
duce any clear thinker not to attempt to
destroy local carcinoma of the cervix or
uterus by x-ray through the abdomen, as
many roentgenologists are doing when
radium Zyvox Indications is available. Sarcoma, for example
of the bone, is much more resistant to the
rays actions than are the sarcomata of the
lymph glands.
There are many things to take into con-
sideration in the Purchase Zyvox treatment of any malig-
nant condition. The first thing one must
carefully consider is the primary growth,
whether it can be completely removed and
whether sarcoma or carcinoma and of
what type in either particular case. The
second important consideration is the
avenues by which metastasis takes place,
and the third important consideration
should be of the location in which meta-
static Zyvox Label proliferation of cells is likely to oc-
cur. Unless all three of these danger
zones are known, carefully considered and
vigorously treated, no method of treat-
ment can ultimately be successful except
when the primary growth is Zyvox Suspension discovered
and attacked early before metastasis has
occurred and all malignant cells can be re-
moved or destroyed. This of course
should be the rule in these cases, but un-
fortunately in our experience it has been
the exception, as we had a very large per-
centage of frankly inoperable cases, while
many others were fruitlessly explored.
In this series of cases none are reported
in which the diagnosis was not confirmed
by the microscope or in a very few in-
stances either by the clinical course of the
disease or at the post mortem.
Our series of cases were divided as fol-
lows : breast, 67; cervix, 64; lip, 23;
uterus, 17; Zyvox Diet stomach, 15; ovaries, 13; rec-
tum, 13; jaw and mouth, 11; prostate, 10;
cervical glands, 10 ; kidneys, 7 ; chest wall,
7; face, 6; tongue, 5; thyroid, 4; retro-
peritoneal, 3; liver, 3 (one being Zyvox Pi primary
gall bladder) ; antrum and nose, 3 ; tes-
ticle, 3; labia, 3; parotid, 2; submaxillary
gland, 2 ; frontal area, 2 ; pancreas, 2 ; up-
per thigh, 2; knee (sarcoma), 2; small in-

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ロケーション:New York, アメリカ合衆国
最終アクセス:2013年 11月 15日(Friday) 08:29  (3808 日 9 時間)