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![]() | Related post: Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 21:33:56 -0700 (PDT) From: Master Terra D Subject: Married Bryan part 2Bryan's mind raced and suddenly he realized they were still in the stairwell. He was naked, trussed up, being sexually used in a stairwell. The cold object popped into Bryan's ass. He underaged teens nude realized it was a metal butt plug. He came. He passed out.Bryan woke up blindfolded. He was immediately aware of his surroundings, but could feel his wrists tied apart and his ankles, too. He was spread-eagle. He felt his ass was underage pictures nakedunderage nudist pics still plugged with the ukranian underage nude metal plug, underage yo and it was still somewhat cold. He also felt his dick was underage 3d toons sticking up rockhard from his 6-pack abs underage thumb galleries and tied off with something he'd later learn was leather. A strap underaged naked teens tied top underage cunts the nuts off, then another underage girl sexy tied the nuts and cock off. Something was on his nipples, too, and certain parts of his body felt strange. "I see you're awake, married boy," the coach's deep voice resonated through Bryan's body. "I took the liberty underage teen defloration of taking some pictures you can enjoy when you get home. I already e-mailed fuck underage toplist them underaged nude hot to you." "What?" The word left Bryan's mouth underage boy movies before malyshok underage he could think. "Yes, boy. I did. Nice pictures of you with my dick across your lips, and you stripping for me." Bryan was surprised. underage bbs cz He hadn't looked for a camera in the stairwell. He didn't think pictures were part of what he agreed to. He free underage vids felt a finger trace from the tip of Bryan's nose and across his lips. The finger continued down his toned, smooth chest underage amateur hardcore and started toward his abs, navel and cock. Bryan had a funny feeling when the finger tip hit below his navel. Something wasn't right. 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"Just a little hygiene, married boy," Coach boomed, smacking Bryan's abs hard, knocking the air out trailer underage free of the former high school and college quarterback. Bryan gasped like he had when the elite underage tgp college geek underage young sluts had shoved his 9-inch throat buster down his throat. tight underage models Bryan had gagged and choked on that dick while a frat boy pounded his jock pussy. Bryan was crying openly as innocent cuties underage he was pounded nude underage cuties at both ends. He soon felt liquid real underage pic warmth in his ass from the frat boy, then a underaged erotic pictures pop as his cock was pulled free. "My turn," underage japan porn the geek said, pulling his dick from the quarterback's face. The steel-stiff cock lined up with Bryan's shitter. "I'll need to shave virgin porno underage this pussy later," the geek said, shoving the head of his cock in Bryan's tight, yet just fucked, poop chute. "Stick yer dick in his mouth underage russian cunt and have him clean his ass and yer juice off yer dick," the geek ordered the frat boy. "Apologize, boy," celebrity affairs underage Coach ordered, holding Bryan's dick in a vice grip. "Sorry Coach," Bryan gasped, tears streaming from his eyes. "You talk back to me again, underage dance clubs and I'll make it so you can never fuck," Coach snarled, releasing Bryan's stiff dick, then smacking the young stud hard in the nuts. "Go ahead and cry, underage illegal nudes baby," Coach underage pics yr sneered. Bryan didn't know how long he lay there, tied spread eagle and crying, from pain underage underwear preeteen and the realization he'd be shaved, from the neck down. Bryan felt leg and arm hairs, but nothing anywhere else. No arm free underaged pics pit hair, underage ass pic crotch or ass hair. His immediate thought was how he'd explain this to his team; he often showered with them. Then it underage porn chat registered he'd have another explanation, to his wife. Bryan felt the metal butt plug being removed from his ass, very slowly, very, very slowly. His dick was still rock hard and Coach was stroking the dick upward as he pulled the butt plug out of Bryan's wanting ass. "You like that, married boy?" Coach asked. "Yes, sir!" Bryan crowed. The jock slut loved anything in his ass, and he'd had plenty up there: shampoo bottles, cucumbers, bananas, green beans, fingers, tongues, dicks, tinkertoys, Lincoln logs, pens, pencils, and once, a squash. Bryan felt the plug was all the way out and being replaced by what felt like a dildo, although slightly larger around than he was used to petite underage girls using underage sex galleries on himself. underage top sites He also felt Coach climb on underage model homepage the bed and place his knees on either side of Bryan's head. He felt a precumming cock smack his face. His tongue darted out to taste it. 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Coach had said if Bryan agreed, there'd be a signed agreement for Bryan to sign before he left underage thongs pics for the evening. The dildo was working Bryan's ass and he practically purred a "yes" from his lips, as 2 rough hands massaged his nipples and Bryan felt drool coat his cock. "Good, boy," Coach said, moving off the bed and pulling the dildo from Bryan's ass. "What are you, boy?" Coach asked. "I'm a cocksucker, sir," Bryan responded. Whack! Bryan's left thigh stung. "What kind of cocksucker are you, boy?" Coach prodded, unhappy with the first hentai underage teen answer. Bryan hesitated. "I'm a faggot cocksucker, sir!" Coach growled with disapproval, but didn't underage nude girls strike. "Try yer my married cocksucker, jock underage fuck 15 boy," Coach snarled, more an order than a suggestion. "I'm your married cocksucking slave, underage mexican models sir!" underage alcohol abuse Bryan underage bondage pic hoped the addition was pleasing. Lips pressed into his lips teens underage pics underage model video as the underage manga pedo Coach delivered a fevered holynet underage models and ravenous kiss. Bryan bucked as 2 underaged tiny teens fingers were shoved up his ass and started massaging his prostate. "Ooooooooooh, fuck," Bryan cried, trying to ride the fingers as they massaged. Coach started and continued upward stroking Bryan's cock. "When you leave, you'll sign your contract," Coach commanded. "There will be a copy for both of us; sign both. There's also a schedule attached; I know you're sports schedule, so don't try to tell me you can't make a date on there. "I'm also sending you home under age dating with a underaged porn hardcore toy. Don't give me shit that you can't hide it from you pussy." Bryan's xxx underage videos mind sexy underage teen was in a haze, barely recognizing words. "Please underage bikini panties just fuck me, underage horny sluts sir," the muscled man begged. 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"Please, sir, please!" he screamed as Coach underage gallery xxx continued rubbing the tip of the cock, and pressing underage cunt pics into Bryan's prostate. After a few more minutes, with tears streaming from Bryan's eyes, the Coach stopped. Bryan was released from the bed, but left blindfolded and free underage bbs led through a door, back into the stairwell. The blindfold was removed and the door shut behind Bryan's naked, spent, jock body. At first, Bryan thought he'd been in the apartment, but realized he was in the stairwell, underage cuties nude similar to the experience of his arrival. His clothes were there, little underage nude as were the "use" contracts, schedule and Bryan's toy (with instructions). Bryan signed the contracts, then took the toy, another metal butt plug, freshly chilled. Bryan whimpered as his slid it up his ass. 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