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Paxil And Paxil Cr

Related post: pitable thing, while the railroads offer the usual concessions.
Apropos of the railroads I have a pleasing bit of news for the
New Yorkers. Mr. Rinearsou, of the Erie, informs me that
his line purposes making special efforts not only for the com-
fort but for the pleasure of delegates Buy Paxil Cr Online from New York. These
efforts will probably materialize in the form of the elegant new
hotel cars of the line, which will be placed at the exclusive dis-
posal of the medical party.
i.HADisa .1 irncLKS.—Miyoi: r.\/:.i(;/:.i I'lis.
(N. V. Mki,. Jouu.,
.1 ll'ftkly Knnew of Affdicine.
Ilxhfil l>y
■O. A I i-I.KTON A Paxil Cr 37.5 ('y
i;i;i'K(>vi:usioN ok tiik uterus and tumors.
In w roroiit issuo ot" the '" ('ontnilblaU. filr (lyiiali) toward the abdominal cavity. Such
tumors, iio sajs, usually dis[)lace the utorus to Paxil Or Paxil Cr the side opposite
to that in wliioli tlioy are situated; exceptions to tliis rule oc-
cur, but they are neitlierof diajijnostic nor of pro!.^nostic import.
IIo lias reference to submucous growth.s, or, to speak more defi-
nitely, polypi, which, jj;r()wiu}j; toward the vagina, bring about
oertaiu displacements of the uterus; but he discards a class of
Ottsos described by Schultzo in which the tumor, after passing
out of the uterus, grows rapidly and presses against the vaginal
wall. In so doing it naturally elevates the uterus, which at the
same time must undergo a disi)Iacenient depending upon the
site of the insertion of the pedicle of the tumor ; if this is on
the anterior wall, the uterus is retroverted, while, if it is on the
posterior wall, it is anteverted.
The class of cases to which the author draws attention,
which are far commoner than those just mentioned, are those
in which the polypus reaches tiie vagina, but does not grow so
rapidly as to elevate the uterus, and yet produces retroversion
of that organ, no matter whether the pedicle is inserted on its
anterior or its posterior wall. In such cases the tumors are of
a diameter of from two to three inches, spherical, and sur-
rounded by the margin of the os externum. The pedicle is Paxil Cr 37.5 Mg
drawn tense, and Paxil And Paxil Cr consequently the uterus is straightened and
retroverted ; it moves with the tumor as a whole, the fundus
being carried in the opposite direction to that which the tumor
is made to take. But the pedicle must have its insertion bt-
yond the internal os, or the uterus will not be fully put on the
stretch and will not undergo the necessary straightening. It
is immaterial, however, as already stated, whether the pedicle
8 inserted into the anterior or the posterior wall. These cases,
the author says, are of practical importance from the fact that
the displacement does not disappear on the removal of the
tumor, as in the other forms, except in the very early stages.
and then only with the aid of subsequent treatment. Out
of a great number of cases of this Paxil Cr Coupon kind which he has ob-
served, he can recall only one in which replacement of the
uterus took place spontaneously after the removal of the
Several cases are cited which appear to bear out his state-
ments, and they are further sustained by experiment. A small
hook was inserted, first into the anterior and then into the pos-
terior wall of the uterus of a woman on the tenth day after
delivery. To the hook was attached a silk thread, and, when
tliJH W8f

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最終アクセス:2013年 11月 30日(Saturday) 09:21  (4086 日 20 時間)