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Wilson, G. B,, Passed Assistant Surgeon. Ordered to temporary duty
at the Naval Hospital, Chelsea, Mass.
Arnold, W. F., Passed Assistant Surgeon. Detached from U. S. Train-
ing-ship Richmond, and placed on waiting orders.
Barncm, M. W., Assistant Surgeon. Detached from Naval Hospital,
Washington, D. C, and ordered to the U. S. Training-ship Rich- Order Imdur
Percy, H. T., Passed Assistant Surgeon. Ordered to the Naval Hos-
pital, Washington, D. C.
Pickrell, George M. C, Passed Assistant Surgeon. Detached from the
Naval Hospital, Norfolk, Virginia, and ordered to the U. S. Steamer
Society Meetings for the Coming Week :
Monday, June .i7th : Medical Society of tlie County of New York ;
Boston Society for Medical Improvement ; Cambridge, Mass., Society Imdur 30 Mg
for Medical Improvement ; Baltimore Medical Association.
Tdesday, June SSth : Medical Society of New Jersey (first day — Atlan-
tic City) ; Buffalo Buy Imdur Obstetrical Society.
Wednesday', June 29th : Medical Society of New Jersey (second day) ;
Auburn, N. Y., City Medical Association ; Berkshire, Mass., District
Medical Society (Pittsfield).
betters to tbc (JBtritor.
Decatur, III., iLay 7, 1892.
To the Editor of the New Yorh Medical Joxufial:
Sir: Imdur Mg In the Journal of March 26th is a short article by Dr.
Sonthgate Leigh, describing a nninber of new and improved
instruments. The last thing described is a bnndnge-cutter, and
I infer that he, like the majority of pr.actitioners, finds the
ready-rolled bandages of the shops too Imdur 60 Mg expensive. I think I
have hit on Imdur 50 Mg a scheme for Imdur 15 Mg handage-cutting that will be of great
praclical utility to the surgeon Imdur 30 who desires to roll his own band-
ages. I purchase a bolt (or less quantity) of muslin and take it
to a printing office where they have a paper-cutter, and Imdur Online in five
minutes the entire bolt can he cut into bandages of different
widths, and afterward rolled in lengths to suit. This gives a
nice even bandage, and is in every way superior to those torn or
cut with scissors. M. H. Farmer, M. D.
June 25, 18;i2.]
|.)rotffi>ings of §orifttcs.
Forty-third Annual Meeting, held in Detroit on Tueiduy, Imdur Price
Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, June 7, 8, 9, and 10,
The President, Dr. Henry O. Marot, of Boston, in tlie Cliair.
(Concluded from paye 094.)
Proposed Amendments to the Constitution.— An amend-
nient was proposed by Dr. C. A. L. Reed, of Ohio, providing
that the association admit to raembei-ship physicians from tlie
Dominion of Canada, Newfoundland, and Labrador. The mat-
ter was to be referred to a committee of the association, which
should confer with proper committees from the countries men-
The President appointed as the committee for the associa-
tion Dr. C. A. L. Reed, Dr. N. S. Davis. Dr. H. O. Walker,
Dr. C. A. Lindsley, and Dr. C. G. Conn. The constitution re-
quired that siioh an amendment should lie over for a year be-
fore adoption.
An amendment to the constitution was also Imdur Sr offered that no
physician should be admitted to membership in the association Imdur 60
wlio had not been four years in practice. Action on this was
also deferred for a year.

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ロケーション:New York, アメリカ合衆国
最終アクセス:2013年 11月 28日(Thursday) 16:48  (4072 日 12 時間)