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Related post: circumstance, and that it may become persistent by
a continuance of action of conditions such as food
composition and reaction, and also constitutional
excitability, which do not obtain in the adult. In
pylorus spasm with a relative stenotic condition of
the lumen of the pylorus, the vomiting may begin
soon after birth, or be delayed two or three weeks
or more. In some children there is a history of
previous well being, the stools even having been
normal, when some slight change took place in the
feeding. Either an attempt was made to supple-
ment the breast with a bottle feeding, or, as in one
of my cases, the mother in pure jest allowed the
child to nurse at another woman's breast. The
vomiting dated from that time and persisted and
increased in severity. The vomiting in cases of
spasm of the pylorus is as "explosive" as in cases
of hypertrophy, the constipation is marked, the in-
anition also is progressive. Peristalisis is present
to a marked degree, and in the very marked cases,
the pylorus can be felt when the stomach is in a
condition of contraction as a small body the size of a
white bean, or as large as the phalanx of the finger,
and in the cases which I will bring forward, as new-
cases in this paper, could be felt to relax and then
harden at the moment of contraction of the pyloric
portion of the Loperamide Mg stomach. When the pylorus was soft
it could be felt quite distinctly and when it hard-
ened the pyloric end of the stomach was visible on
the abdominal wall in the state of peristalsis, Buy Cheap Loperamide and
vomiting occurred.
Thus in these cases there was "explosive" vomit-
ing, stomach peristalsis, and a palpable pylorus. It
Copyright, 1913, by A. R. Elliott Publishing Company.
[New York
Medical Journal.
is in this latter point the various authors are not in
accord as to their conclusions of the conditions
present. With some the fact that any pylorus is
palpable argues the presence of a thickening or hy-
pertrophy (Ibrahim) ; with others this structure is
simply that of a contracting muscular organ, just
as one might feel the biceps more distinctly if it was
contracted. I think the pylorus is a contractile or- Buy Loperamide
gan, and when in a state of diastole it may be soft
though palpable, like the rest of the intestine when
contracted it may be felt. The fact that it is felt
is no argument in favor of any hypertrophy of its
structure. I think, therefore, that in cases of spasm
of the pylorus or pyloric end of the stomach there
may be a relative stenosis, which may either be
complete or nearly so, a palpable tumor indicating
the contracting pylorus. My classification of all of
the cases of this affection is as follows :
i. Pure spasm of the pylorus and the pyloric end
of the stomach without any palpable pylorus, with
peristalsis and explosive vomiting, loss of weight,
and consequent inanition. The constipation present
may be only a relative constipation, that is, some
fecal matter passes, or there may be several move-
ments, green and fluid in twenty-four hours, or of
a brownish color, or the constipation may be abso-
lute and on forced movement of the bowels, little or
no fecal matter passes.
2. Pyloric Loperamide 2 spasm with relative and actual steno-
sis, with slight or marked thickening or hyper-
trophy of the tissues of the pylorus. Such cases
give vomiting Purchase Loperamide Online of an explosive type, coming on soon
after birth, and continuing for Buy Loperamide Online some time with a
palpable pylorus, at first, or subsequent to the onset
of symptoms. The pylorus can be felt to harden
under the finger at the time of greatest Loperamide 2 Mg peristalsis
of the stomach, and to soften after vomiting has
occurred. There is constipation, complete at first,
which after some duration of the disease mitigates,
and fecal particles may appear in the stools. There
is marked progressive atrophy and inanition.
3. Congenital hypertrophy of the pylorus so called
with stenosis. These cases, which are only relatively
more marked in their symptomatology than the pre-
vious class, give exactly the same symptoms ; there Loperamide Online
is the same spasm of the pylorus as an accompany-
ing symptom, the pylorus can be felt just as in the
previous class, the peristalsis is just the same, and
the constipation is the same, only possibly more
marked. In fact, clinically it is the same condition,
only it may manifest itself in more aggravated forms
than in the cases in which the hypertrophy and
stenosis are not so marked. I think, therefore, they
arc practically the Order Loperamide Generic Loperamide same set of cases as in Class 2.
When operated the cases in Class 3 may show con-
siderable enlargement and hardening of the pylorus
than was evident before the operation. This has
given rise to the presumption that they are a dis-
tinct entity apart from Class 2. This, I doubt, — I
think both these sets of cases merge into each other
and are pathologically the same, Loperamide Immodium though clinically
one seems a more aggravated condition than the
Case I. Congenital hypertrophy of the pylorus with
stenosis (hypertrophic stenosis). H., male, six weeks of Order Loperamide Online
age. Mother had two healthy children. Weight at birth
nine pounds seven ounces. The infant had a convulsion
after birth and was at first fed on the bottle, and then
placed with a wet nurse. Normal in other respects at
birth. Lost one pound the first week after birth, weighing
eight pounds 6.5 ounces on the fourteenth day. He still
weighed eight pounds 6.5 ounces (stationary weight) at the
end of the third week, being still on artificial feeding, and
weighing eight pounds eight ounces he was placed with a
wet nurse. At the beginning of the second week he began
to vomit, vomiting the whole or Cheap Loperamide part of every feeding
and more in quantity than he had nursed. There was
complete constipation, no feces passing. He did not im-
prove with a wet nurse, and when I saw him "in his fifth
week he weighed eight pounds. The milk of the wet
nurse at this time contained seven per cent, of fat, and
was scanty. At six weeks of age he weighed seven pounds
seven ounces. He vomited from two to three ounces of
every feeding, and had about four large vomiting spells
in twenty-four hours, and in twenty-f«ur hours ran down
to seven pounds seven ounces in weight and had a most
marantic appearance. Examination showed a most marked
and gigantic peristalsis, not only at times of vomiting,
but in intervals of Purchase Loperamide nursing. The pylorus could be distinct-
ly felt as a hard body the size of the last phalanx of the
small finger. He cried as if in pain when vomiting oc-
cured, and was constipated to an extreme degree. When
enemata were given a dark brownish water returned; there

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最終アクセス:2013年 11月 16日(Saturday) 20:08  (4134 日 11 時間)