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Subject: my life with pete 2Part 2 the move inWell moving day was here. I called Matt russian preteen and lolitas to tell him we were going to be at
the house that day. Matt was going to meet loli tinies 13 yo us. Matt and his partner Eric
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our old furniture. So we did young lola nude galleries not even 10 12 lolita rompl need a large truck. When we arrived
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curious about his new neighbors. I mentioned him to matt, matt came to the
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lived behind me and one house over. Then it clicked lolita pussy topless underage
it was his face I saw
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that he was a minor and wanted no
problems. But since he was the one watching we did nothing wrong. But Pete
and I were not happy with being watched. We all went out to dinner to thank
our friends for there help. When Pete and I arrived home we decided to go
to the bedroom and relax and watch a little TV. We stripped and showered
together as we always did. Pete and I got back on the subject of Shaun. We
decided to keep things low profile for a while and see what happens.
The next day we were getting some sun, and there was Shaun. I told Pete
that I would not have this anymore. I will talk to the boy. I walked over
to the wall and called his name, his nasty lolita angels bbs face popped over the wall. I
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swim. He jumped at the chance. He was over at the door in no time. I met
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told lolita tgp gallery post him to go ahead and go in and enjoy the pool. After some time he came
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noticed you watching us over the wall. Hiface turning red now. Shaun we
bought this place because it was private, I asked him if he would not keep
peeping, and if he wanted to lolita bbs hidden pedonaked little loli nymphets use the pool he was welcome to come over. He
looked up at us, silent for a long time. He then says I think I'm gay, I
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I put an arm over his shoulder, he was crying now. We told loli bbs nude pics him
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us, he had many questions and we did the best we could to help him. After
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about Shaun; I was still worried since he was a minor and us being sky girls lolita nude
new to
the block. Shaun came often young nymphets portal lolita to say hello and ask us things. He started
asking about telling his mom he was gay. Since Pete and I were out we pretty little lolitas girls told
him, he could only decide if and when to do it.It was a few weeks later, and our doorbell rings. I answered the door,
standing there was a woman who seemed upset. Yes, may I help you? Yeah you
one of the fags that live top kds lolitas bbs here? I was pissed now. I told herno I'm the new
owner of this home, and that anything else was none of lolita youngest girl sex her business. She
started yelling we made her son gay. It had to be Shaun's lolitas preteen ch porn mom. Pete joined
me at the door, and asked here in. she came in telling us we turned her son
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was wrong, we have nothing to do with your son being
gay or not. Just then Shaun bust in the door, MOM what are you doing, these
are my friends they are helping me deal with this. I have felt this way
long before they moved here. They never have touched me, we just
talk. Please mom please stop. They have been helping. Without them I would
have killed myself, I was going to take my life just when they moved here
and I found out I was not alone. Shaun's mom sat crying not knowing that
her son was in such a state. Pete and I went outside, leaving a crying
mother and son to sort things out. I held Pete close to me, I remembered
myself at that age and what I had gone through. After some time Shaun asked
us to come in. Shaun tells us that his mom now understands that you guys
have been lifesavers. His mom finally asks us to forgive her for the things
she said to us, she was sure we did something to her son. 12 14 yo lolitas She now
understands and hopes that we forgive her. Pete and I embraced her, telling
her we do forgive her and if she wants we would continue to be friends and
help her son. She finally understood we were not bad people.The next day Shaun and his mom stopped in with a cake and asked to start
new, and to be welcome to the block. That was the start of being a welcome
part of the neighborhood. Shaun's mom became our strongest supporter. Shaun
was part of the brotherhood now, and we welcomed to it. We helped him out
with his first boyfriend. Well let's say, Pete and I went out and let them
use our sauna. Shaun brought new friends around from time to time.Pete and I decided to adopt a son, a gay boy that needed a home was what we
decided to try to find. Turned out that Eric had friends in Social services
and he set up an appointment for Pete and I to meet with a worker. She was
a younger woman who was gay friendly and did understand that a gay couple
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home. Pete and I started our classes and our home study. Our
worker was thankfully gay friendly. After a few months we got a call to
come down to social services, they think they have a boy for us. Pete and I
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named tom, he was 13 years old and told his foster parents he thought he
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decided to keep meeting. We took Tom every weekend to the house. He learned
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dads to be, loved each other. Well in 6 months Tom came to live full time
now. We were his official foster parents now; in 6 months he would be
legally adopted by us. Tom learned about gay people and what he would face
in the future for now candid pantyhose lolitas pics he was not active. He was not allowed to enter our
bedroom if the door was closed unless he knocked and waited to be asked
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After reviewing all recommendations the courts approve of the
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with the lawyer prior to the adoption and the lawyer spoke to the judge and
told him it was to be a surprise to me. The lawyer knew the judge and knew
he would do just that. We all went out and arrived home to another
surprise Matt's mom set up a celebration for us, the Parris family! I had
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stood on line to check in, just before it was our turn we told tom
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made our stay very special. All I can say is I love you guys that made it
so special. And to this day Tom tells of his stay at the Grand Floridian.Pete was a great dad; he was the homework person, since he got home
first. Pete even started dinner, but when I got in I took over the meal and
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I caught Pete on the side and told him my feelings about the boy, Pete did
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kitchen, mike came in for a drink, so mike how's the project. Mr. lolita anal sex mpeg parris,
no call me Joe, its going ok. Great I told him, I asked him to stay for
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about it, oh shit it's happing. Pete and I know what's next, shit. We were
not going to tell him anything about tom, we have a rule that we do not
talk about anyone. we just told him that if he was sure he was gay, and he
liked tom he should tell tom, we told mike that tom was lolita pics fine art a good guy and not
turn his back on a friend. Mike decided to go in and face Tom. Pete and I
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sat next to eachother. They kept looking at eachother, pete and pre teen ebony lolita I did the
same. Pete made some small talk. Tom says,dads I want to talk to you about
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dad, more than friends, I like him a lot and he likes me a lot and well I
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mike go slow I told them, let things come natrally. Dad we kissed! Ok boys,
go on and tell us what you think you should do. But tell us after
dinner. The boys finished up in no time. That gave pete and I some time to
decide how to handle this. Pete tells me we cant tell them no, because they
will do it any way, I agreed. We raised tom with more knowledge of sex than
i'm sure boys his age. The boys came out and sat in the living room, we
joined them. The two of them sat together, well boys tell us what your
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something happens. I hope its here free lolia porn vids so they are safe, and everything is here
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guy is not so little anymore. Yeah I know pete. Just remember we love him
and trust him, he will make us proud, I hope.
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最終アクセス:2013年 05月 4日(Saturday) 06:06  (4332 日 15 時間)